TN Lab is centrally located in the Eastern USA, in Tennessee. Often customers ask the best way to "get it fast", customers who are considering 2-Day or even Next-Day. Lets clarify a few things.
We primarily ship via UPS from our main labware warehouse in Tennessee. We ship the same day for orders received prior to 2pm Eastern time, but try to get EVERY order out the same day no matter what time the order was received. This is particularly important for customers who need it NOW.
The next natural question is, when will I get it? UPS delivers to parts of 6 nearby states within 1 day, so you don't have to pay anything extra to get it in one day. To 18 more Eastern States UPS delivers in 2 days, plus part of Texas. Therefore we ship to 25 states using standard UPS in 1 or 2 days.
If you are in the Rockies or the West Coast then yes, to receive in 2 days you will need some form of expedited shipping.
The one exception to the shipping timing if shipments requiring freight shipping, as they are too large or heavy for normal package shipping. They obviously takes a little longer to arrive at the destination.
In conclusion, TN LAB Supply ships to destinations in 25 Eastern and Central States and the vast majority are received in one or two days, using standard UPS ground shipping. For these destinations there is little reason to pay for expediated shipping, unless you need 100% guarantee, but there are no guarantees in life.